атомная бомба, ядерный взрыв, ядерный гриб, большой взрыв, ядерная война, путин и байден, россия и сша противостояние, president putin and biden, russia and usa, флаги, смерти, боль и страдания, нью йорк

the magician’s outrageous plan for a quick marriage uses the golden ratio

oh no i am in the wrong place i meant to go to the discord to use wombot

oh no i am in the wrong place i meant to go to the discord to use wombot

(symbolic mystical artwork) creation fall and redemption, joyful warning and announcement, atonement sacrifice, makeshift homes, new creation, let us go up!

aliens,l spaceship hidden , among us

yhwh, the name, the word became flesh and dwelt among us

Grim reaper - grim reaper - the grim reaper, shrouded in black, his face hidden behind a hood. in one hand he holds a scythe, and in the other he holds the hand of a small child.

me is a legendary figure in the world of basketball. he was a six-time nba champion, a five-time nba most valuable player, and a 14-time nba all-star. he is widely considered one of the greatest baske