had a dream that a flying fish, white and long, came through the open 2nd story window. i tried to chase it out the window, but my hands were full and it flopped off the sill and then flew inward and toward the door. i kicked at the door, but it closed too slowly and only caught its tail in the door... and then it wriggled free.

in dreams we find many things, but never what we are looking for

in dreams we find many things but never what we are looking for

dungeon crawler board game with miniatures and western heroes fighting cthulhu mythos monsters

Wendys Dream House - school of athens

“i am one of his witnesses, and in a coming day i shall feel the nail marks in his hands and in his feet and shall wet his feet with my tears. but i shall not know any better then than i know now that he is god’s almighty son, that he is our savior and redeemer, and that salvation comes in and through his atoning blood and in no other way.”

a dynamic scene: mercury, the messenger god, races through a twilight sky, carrying messages of wisdom and adaptability. amid the celestial hues, a shadowy figure representing judas lurks in the background, a subtle depiction of betrayal. the sun, moon, and stars shine both as symbols of creation's wonder and the coming events of holy week

carole lombard, coastal grandmother aesthetic, dreamlike, weird, surreal, creepy cute, pop culture references, colorful pastel, doll-like, maximalist art, eroded metal, glowing lights, glowing eyes , trevor brown, audrey kawasaki, mark ryden, miss van, natalie shau, contemporary art, detailed, focus,

demi moore, cloudcore aesthetic, dreamlike, weird, surreal, creepy cute, pop culture references, colorful pastel, doll-like, maximalist art, eroded metal, glowing lights, glowing eyes , trevor brown, audrey kawasaki, mark ryden, miss van, natalie shau, contemporary art, detailed, focus,

judd nelson, cats aesthetic, dreamlike, weird, surreal, creepy cute, pop culture references, colorful pastel, trevor brown, audrey kawasaki, mark ryden, miss van, natalie shau, contemporary art, detailed, focus

judd nelson, cats aesthetic, dreamlike, weird, surreal, creepy cute, pop culture references, colorful pastel, trevor brown, audrey kawasaki, mark ryden, miss van, natalie shau, contemporary art, detailed, focus

Wednesday, my dudes - frog in a track suit loitering outside an arcade

Dead Night - a skeleton smoking a cigar while wearing headphones

domain of aberration

we don't know what's going to happen anymore.

kind smiling death, highly detailed, sharp focus, masterpiece, 2d, light, 4k, hdr, vfx, ultra realistic, hdr, vfx, exotic light, background, wetness, moisture

death-like creature in control of dreams who weaves a loom of nightmares

one day, the king of the land of stories decided to hold a special event for the citizens. he announced that he would host a festival, and spread the news throughout the country. the citizens were excited and looking forward to the festival. the king prepared delicious food, fun games, and wonderful shows to entertain them. finally, the long-awaite

Dream weavers web - dream weaver spider

daisy ridley wears a lime green t-shirt

daisy ridley wears a lime green t-shirt

Freddie Frog - detailed portrait of an anthropomorphic frog wearing clothes

Gordon Hortner - denholm elliot as an old traveler in an alien jungle. he wears ceremonial fabrics and futuristic safari gear for his treks in the alien jungle. he is thin, sickly but determined

i'm dj mark we're in the dubai dark, we're now smashing it out the park

a black demon wearing a red glove in poker games with cosmic monsters of acid with lucifer, satan and antichrist in a black cape

a disgusting blasphemous abomination of a two-headed donkey violently transforming into a black and white shaggy angry hungry wolf werewolf in a forest with red trees and cobalt blue rivers

Magic Space Date - doctor fate wearing a golden helmet and doctor strange having a coffee date

day 2: the sky was created, and the waters were devided holy monday - jesus clears the temple angles selene, luna, mani, silver, night, moon, dreams, fertility, hunting

day 2: the sky was created, and the waters were devided holy monday - jesus clears the temple angles selene (greek), luna (roman), mani (norse) silver night, moon, dreams, fertility, hunting

dreamy fields with a castle landscape

dreamy fields with a castle landscape

super detailed cottage in a lush green forest clearing

super detailed cottage in a lush green forest

we don’t know what is next
we don’t think about it, live today
but we know who is next
look where we are
(our ship only goes one way

we don’t know what is next
we don’t think about it, live today
but we know who is next
look where we are
(our ship only goes one way

we don’t know what is next we don’t think about it, live today but we know who is next look where we are our ship only goes one way

dead people don’t need songs, sleep well.
super-resolution, hyperrealism.
style of mednyanszky laszlo

4 dogs went to mow a - happy little fluff balls - happy little fluff balls frolicking in a meadow of wildflowers.

donald trump in a prison outside playing table shuffleboard against a monkey playing table shuffleboard. he's wearing an orange jumpsuit, and his hair is a mess. he looks angry.

Henk - ben was een reusachtige dinosaurus met een enorme eetlust. op een dag kon hij zijn verlangen naar een smakelijke maaltijd niet weerstaan en besloot hij timo op te eten. het was een onverwachte wending in hun vriendschap, maar soms gebeuren er gekke dingen in verhalen. einde! 🦖🍽️😄