Cat on colla - cat on the can of cola - a cat is perched atop a can of cola, looking out at the viewer with a quizzical expression. the can is red and silver, and the background is a bright blue an rainbow.

dream "mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes"

dream "mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes"

mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

Thoughtful Mercury - mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

Beefcake Mercury C - mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

The Holy Ghost 🕊️ - mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

Empire - mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

Blue-Green & Mercury - mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

Mixed Race Mercury - mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes

Genderful Mercury G - mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes, woman

Man Flowery Framed - mercury, communication, transportation, adroit, apt, clever, expressive, good at detail, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative, versatile, mercury small iridescent planet, metallic mercury silver reflective liquid, greek god hermes, handsome, masculine

a ghostly executioner emerges from the shadows. his visage is obscured by a hood, his spectral form both eerie and intriguing. a ghostly scythe gleams in his hand, poised to cut through the veil of the digital realm

this black-furred half man half bull has six horns and red eyes. it looks dangerous and ferocious.

once upon a time, long long ago in a place far far a way, people went to the temple of the goddess and the nature spirits

Witches hut - witches hut in the middle of a dark forest. smoke is coming out of the chimney and there is a cauldron bubbling over a fire. the hut is made of crooked wood and has a thatched roof. it looks like it’s from a fantasy book.

face nested on firewood. long, thin, pointed blue nose, thin blue face, orange eyes, green firy hair, small purple smile. in the shape of a tear drop. made of fire. fire.

magic, mysticism, a fairy tale, the moon and the sun, roots, infinity, the thread of the earth, a woman weaves threads, threads from a ball of wood, cotton, flowers, high hair grows into roots - a wom

magic, mysticism, a fairy tale, the moon and the sun, roots, infinity, the thread of the earth, a woman weaves threads, threads from a ball of wood, cotton, flowers, high hair grows into roots - a wom

magic, mysticism, a fairy tale, the moon and the sun, roots, infinity, the thread of the earth, a woman weaves threads, threads from a ball of wood, cotton, flowers, high hair grows into roots - a wom

the blues in pink

the empress. a drawing by pauline baynes who was the original illustrator of the narnia books for cs lewis

the adventures of bucket hats and hatfieldst the last last adventure - the adventures of bucket hats and hatfieldst the last adventure part 1 2
in this adventure, our heroes, bucket hats and hatfiel

when the bull *is* the china shop as porcelain

the high priestess. a drawing by pauline baynes who was the original illustrator of the narnia books for cs lewis

the fool. a drawing by pauline baynes who was the original illustrator of the narnia books for cs lewis

the miracles of jesus christ. a drawing by pauline baynes who was the original illustrator of the narnia books for cs lewis

now that's what i call halloween, volume 2023

now that's what i call halloween

three terminators in one frame

this is an incredible example of the future - a man flying through space in a suit, headed towards a spaceship. he looks like he's about to make an incredible discovery!

this is an incredible example of the future - a man flying through space in a suit, headed towards a spaceship. he looks like he's about to make an incredible discovery!

the ritual must be performed in the correct order. any mistakes could result in the ritual being unsuccessful or even dangerous. the practitioner must focus their intent on the entity they are summoning. this means being clear about what they want from the entity and being willing to pay the price.

two ghosts in a haunted meadow

a transparent coffee mug packed full with a lot of eyeballs and a plastic straw patterns composition, isometric angle, white table

a space station, in the shape of a car’s old rusting muffler, in orbit above a deserted town out in the prairie areas of canada.

in the soft glow of the moonlight, a priestess of the moon stands amidst ancient ruins, her face is serene and she has large, dark eyes. her ethereal robe adorned with shimmering lunar symbols.

in the soft glow of the moonlight, a priestess of the moon stands amidst ancient ruins, her face is serene and she has large, dark eyes. her ethereal robe adorned with shimmering lunar symbols. her hands are gracefully held together in prayer