The king - brown dachshund

that is why the kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king
who decided to settle accounts with his servants.
when he began the accounting,
a debtor was brought before him who owed him a huge amount.

the giant squid was made of soft metal with white lace trim.

Imagine The Dragons - full of dragons

link, the heroic hylian warrior, clad in his green tunic and armed with his master sword and shield. he's ready to take on whatever adventure comes his way! - link, the heroic hylian warrior, clad in

the mermaid - mermaid on a rock brown hair red reflection with a shell

the cutest pet, adorable, cute, fantasy

the universe dreams of us and our world

the universe dreams of us and our world

the celestial power of wolves

the magician, the magus. a drawing by pauline baynes who was the original illustrator of the narnia books for cs lewis

the creation of the world. a drawing by pauline baynes who was the original illustrator of the narnia books for cs lewis

The Future - the future

Ye elders of Israel - the hymn encourages reaching out to the poor and weary, following the example of a captain from the past. by sharing the message of zion and eternal life, they aim to bring hope and comfort to those in need.

the shaman sat within the smokey hut, arranging the tokens that tell my future. a skull, an obsidian blade, a cup, a feather.

magic, mysticism, a fairy tale, the moon and the sun, roots, infinity, the thread of the earth, a woman weaves threads, threads from a ball of wood, cotton, flowers, high hair grows into roots - a wom

magic, mysticism, a fairy tale, the moon and the sun, roots, infinity, the thread of the earth, a woman weaves threads, threads from a ball of wood, cotton, flowers, high hair grows into roots - a wom

the traveling kingdom

a woman's body sitted simple drawibg with only the lines, with the phrase "i am enough" written over it, a lottus flower in one corner, a shetland happy dog line in the corner other with a boho style and a light and medium blue and pink colors mostly

My Cozy Home - from the outside this house looks snug and comfortable. it has been built with white stones and has grey stone decorations. tall, large windows add to the overall look of the house and have been added to the house in a very asymmetric way.

faerie queen gown:
description: the faerie queen gown is a masterpiece of enchantment. made from layers of flowing, iridescent fabric in shades of forest green and ethereal blue, it shimmers like moonlight on water. the bodice is adorned with delicate lace and embroidered faerie motifs, while the flowing sleeves mimic the wings of woodland sprites.

The Wall - military grade 6 tank firing

carmella the sweet, a magical mom preparing for a giant halloween party

The Red Eye - red eye

2022 the beginning of the war in ukraine

the plane is on fire in the sky

The world - future city with lots of nature and high tech stuff create michael jackson in the background

nestled amidst lush green leaves, the cherry stands as a tantalizing temptation. its smooth, glossy skin gleams in the light, reflecting a subtle sheen that enhances its allure. each tiny detail is meticulously crafted, from the delicate creases near the stem to the slight gradient of shades across its surface.

the magician seeks shelter from the storm

they’re wearing bone masks

"......the only two options were over the hills or through the valley: both were dark and dangerous, neither option was good..... "

The town - town - the town was bustling with activity. people were walking to and fro, busy with their errands. the shops were open, and the smell of fresh baked goods filled the air. the sun was shining, and th

view of the cockpit of a futuristic spacecraft we see marilyn monroe struggling with the tentacles of a terrifying alien creature.

the alchemists preserve the phenomenon for posterity

the men were wounded and ragged, the results of a series of dreadful retreats

The HOA President - pernicious evil

Tree in the moonligh - a man observes the starry sky above three hunting dinosaurs. full moon. tall trees. mountain horizon.

blessed is he whose help is the god of jacob,
whose hope is in the lord, his god,
who made heaven and earth,
the sea and all that is in them.

they arrived in bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest.

"......the motorcade pulled into the government compound as demonica prepared to confront the president face to face......"