The Mech Design Legacy of Armored Trooper Votoms and its Influence on Heavy Gear

Armored Trooper Votoms is a classic mecha anime series that has been inspiring fans since its inception in 1983. Created by Ryosuke Takahashi and Sunrise, the show introduced the concept of the Armored Trooper, a type of mecha that was designed for ground-based combat. The series became popular for its unique mecha designs and its gritty, realistic portrayal of war.

The mecha in Armored Trooper Votoms were inspired by the real-world tanks and armored vehicles of the time. The creators of the series wanted to create mecha that looked like they could actually exist in the real world. The result was a series of mecha that were boxy and utilitarian, with a strong emphasis on function over form.

One of the most distinctive aspects of the mecha in Armored Trooper Votoms is their use of a single, centralized cockpit. This design was inspired by the cockpit of the real-world Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopter, which features a similar centralized layout. The mecha also featured a number of other realistic touches, such as the use of treads instead of legs for the heavy combat models.

The success of Armored Trooper Votoms inspired a number of other mecha anime series, including Heavy Gear. Heavy Gear was created by Dream Pod 9 and was first released as a tabletop game in 1994. Like Armored Trooper Votoms, Heavy Gear features mecha that are designed for ground-based combat.

The mecha in Heavy Gear were also inspired by real-world vehicles, but they were more streamlined and futuristic-looking than those in Armored Trooper Votoms. Heavy Gear also introduced the concept of "Gear Pilots," soldiers who are trained to operate the mecha in combat.

Despite their differences, both Armored Trooper Votoms and Heavy Gear are beloved by fans for their unique mecha designs and their gritty, realistic portrayal of war. They both represent a departure from the more fantastical mecha anime of the time, which tended to feature sleek, futuristic designs that were more focused on form than function.

In conclusion, the mecha designs of Armored Trooper Votoms and Heavy Gear were both inspired by real-world vehicles, but they took different approaches to their design. While Armored Trooper Votoms focused on function over form, Heavy Gear went for a more futuristic look. Both series are important parts of mecha anime history, and their influence can still be seen in mecha anime and games to this day.