Instagram filters from user bronxville aka
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Bville Self Portrait - italian, smirk

come on up to the house

come on up to the house

Bebop 8 - waltz for venus


Next stop: doom - sagittarius a

Bebop 11 - toys in the attic

Bebop 7 - heavy metal queen

Bebop 6 - sympathy for the devil

gateway shuffle


hedge maze, alice in wonderland, queen of hearts

Rawr - miley cyrus surrounded by angry cats

Bebop 10 - ganymede elegy

Bebop 9 - jamming with edward

Bebop 2 - stray dog strut

Bebop 1 - asteroid blues


shaker museum

come on up to the house

viking longship attacked by the kraken


ballad of fallen angels

honky tonk women

saturday evening post

Inspired by - winslow homer style undertow

rod brind'amour

lake of the woods from above

Seven - midsummer night's dream

Six - midsummer night's dream

Four - midsummer night's dream

Three - midsummer night's dream

Two - midsummer night's dream

One - midsummer night's dream


pater familias

o brother where art thou

Not a Conspiracy - pepe silvia

ezra pound and t.s. eliot fighting in the captain's tower, interior

1925 paris

Vetiver and vervain - tinctures, potions, and tonics shop

By day - live from the old quarter

Somewhere somehow - lou reed and laurie anderson