Dragon jungle of sunset blood

This art is titled dragon jungle of sunset blood and it was created by the user durp00 that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named dragon jungle of sunset blood at Wed Nov 30 2022
And the art dragon jungle of sunset blood has this preview:
dragon jungle of sunset blood preview

In this vivid image, a magnificent dragon soars above a dense jungle as the sun begins its descent, casting a warm, golden glow. The dragon's scales gleam iridescently, resembling the hues of a striking sunset, while its powerful wings span wide, cutting through the air effortlessly. A sense of awe and intrigue permeates the scene, heightened by the eerie beauty of the crimson streaks splattered across the sky, reminiscent of droplets of blood.

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Upload date Wed Nov 30 2022, art dragon jungle of sunset blood, by user , also known by the user name durp00