Instagram filters from user durp00 aka
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Mismeasure - sketch of biological specimen with alien ruler for scale

macro; fuzzy; mold growth; wrought iron; golden spiral

snowplow train

sand shrew

no outlets in the nightosphere

carved statue of aphrodite

the magician unmasked

alex ponders what to eat for lunch

map of the forgotten city

tentacled alien diplomat

stylized rising sun

radial asymmetry

samurai toad

art of the impossible

advanced timepiece


creative block

larcenous cuckoo

high speed train


a bird with fantastically colorful plumage and a long beak

a bomb came crashing through the roof if a house at the end of the alley and burst in the basement, showering the street with slate and plaster. a second struck a chimney and plunged into the garden, followed by an avalanche of bricks, and another exploded with a deafening report in the next street.

fertility totem

school bus with enormous toothsome mouth preparing to eat some children

my mom is strong like the hulk

the king in yellow a play in 3 acts

macro; dinoflagellate

samurai toad

samurai toad

samurai toad

whorl of 0s and 1s

mountain home reflected in lake

the magician

commemorative airship coin steampunk

lemur is a bad wizard with an animated hat


moon for sale

ancient knowledge


anarchy in the u.k.

exotic bird

guns and butter, a euro card game. this card features a sheaf of wheat

constantly deploying software

he twisted his legs around a fence-chain and leaned down again. the cellar was flooded with a yellow light, and the air reeked with the stench of petroleum torches. the iron door still held, but a whole plate of metal was gone, and now as they looked a figure came creeping through, holding a torch.

an icy wind swept down from the heights, cutting the fog into shreds. for an instant, with an evil leer the sun peered through the bare woods of vincennes, sank like a blood-clot in the battery smoke, lower, lower, into the blood soaked plain.

envelopment is the fetish

envelopment is the fetish

the raven king’s cruel gift bites

guns and butter

couple of aliens eating lunch

samurai toad

samurai toad

giant shaman toad

in tents

high mileage meets high fashion

baby is a bad wizard with an animated hat

baby is a bad wizard with an animated hat

owl roosting; camouflaged in fall foliage

rainbow eels

map of the riverway

gauge of mystical power

mom’s injuries

capturing sunlight

diagram illustrating how a couple fights

glazed clay cylinder with fire decoration

alien bowling


thriving petrie dish of aerobic life forms

an indian man who is straying from god

the blackness within was blinding, a dark from which she turned her head and looked away

Peepers - skull with jade false eyeball

a tale of eldritch bacon told to terrify little children into going to bed

policy card for guns & butter - colonial oppression

portrait of a medieval woman looking at her iphone with a white ferret

the shaman sat within the smokey hut, arranging the tokens that tell my future. a skull, an obsidian blade, a cup, a feather.

abject disappointment

attracted by the electric lights shining through

a punk rock band where all the members are orcs

the magician seeks shelter from the storm

slam dance

shapely leg

the alchemists preserve the phenomenon for posterity

the men were wounded and ragged, the results of a series of dreadful retreats

spasm of the entrails

sometimes things do not integrate all the way

licks of flame

a stormy eccentric former first sea lord

the kaiser eyed all the customs of an imperial lying in state

it’s another illustration that our sun truly is the queen of the solar system, even to its most distant reaches.


on one corner stood a barrow full of yellow jonquils, pale violets from the riviera, dark russian violets, and white roman hyacinths in a golden cloud of mimosa.

a ghost camel

guns & butter; poster

yellow florida tipping brown foot gracefully

yellow florida tipping brown foot gracefully

guns and butter

halloween in august

the raven king’s cruel gift bites

the magician solves a crime - much to his own delight

exoplanet; jungle

egyptian princess

the magician accidentally summons a horrid worm

child states out through the bars of a closed portcullis. prince or pauper, the crown cares not - the children are the kingdom.


hungry ghosts

giant sleeps in stone

crushing doubts

the magician

head of the clan

head of the clan

commemorative airship coin steampunk

baby is a bad wizard with an animated hat

mom’s injuries

alien jungle

view of the city at night

creatures in the leaves


feeding the fear

nature’s gold is green

alien bowling

alien bowling

a sea of foamy bubbles

reflective pool in climatron

war weary veteran

unpleasant present

ron desantis as a circus clown

closeup on the interior of a mug of tea. an octopus colored like the union jack is reaching its tentacles towards the tea

an indian man who is straying from god

closeup of woman’s bare, tattooed back shows a pirate treasure map

bust of the magician

this housewife has something to hide

unspeakable acts

cruelest queen of my heart, nature made and tempest torn,

queen mab takes a stroll around the white palace, looking for a flunky to ensorcel

portrait of an angry scotsman

i don’t drink… wine.

a perfume bottle, the eau du morte, that smells like the grave

the goblins sloppy salute

guns & butter is a euro style game. the settlement card shows a small town.

guns & butter. spy card shows a spy performing espionage.

the ritual must be performed in the correct order. any mistakes could result in the ritual being unsuccessful or even dangerous. the practitioner must focus their intent on the entity they are summoning. this means being clear about what they want from the entity and being willing to pay the price.

guns & butter a euro deck building game. artillery bombardment.

guns & butter a euro deck building game. blockade runner.

an elephant inside a house. the house is surrounded by blind men.

Cannot See the Eleph - an elephant completely covered with blind men

movie poster for science fiction film called “interstellar ii” that featured a helmeted astronaut floating above a star scape

a mummified body, curled up on its side so that it’s gnarled knees almost touched its forehead


the magician makes a bargain with the devil

forest made of pencils

closeup of unhinged hillbilly doing something sinister

outside, a storm rages, with rain pelting against the tall windows. thunder rumbles in the distance, adding to the atmosphere of suspense. as the figure turns the pages, their expression changes from curiosity to bewilderment. they glance around the room, sensing that they are not alone.

tree with metallic shiny leaves

had a dream that a flying fish, white and long, came through the open 2nd story window. i tried to chase it out the window, but my hands were full and it flopped off the sill and then flew inward and toward the door. i kicked at the door, but it closed too slowly and only caught its tail in the door... and then it wriggled free.

gateway to the west

the oasis shimmered in the heat. alex was unsure whether it was real and he was saved, or it was an illusion and he was already dead

the alchemists preserve the phenomenon for posterity in a bell jar

the french retreat on the left.


tiger tiger burning bright, in the forests of the night, what immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry

bonsai in clay pot with samurai toad


representation of the neural network

voltage starving

otherworldly plant

a stormy eccentric former first sea lord

living in the shadow of his father

it must come to a fight

quadruped robot gun carriage with vulcan machine gun

prince yusuf the sultan of turkey wears a fantastic tarboosh

goth angel

it’s another illustration that our sun truly is the lord of the solar system, even to its most distant reaches.

film noir

the illustration is for the game guns & butter; a light euro strategy game with worker placement mechanics. this card shows a rail switching yard.

the illustration is for the game guns & butter; a light euro strategy game with worker placement mechanics. this card shows a platoon of a clockwork army.

on one corner stood a barrow full of yellow jonquils, pale violets from the riviera, dark russian violets, and white roman hyacinths in a golden cloud of mimosa.

guns and butter

furnace vibes

terrain map; topological

the magician demonstrates the decapitation device on the harlequin

samurai practices his kata in the garden, moving like water, light as air


heart in chains

wizards at lunch fighting over who should pay the bill

a furze on the tops of the city buildings

the bamboo sword is the only thing holding back a horde of hungry ghosts

poker aces and eights dead man’s hand

tender repose in a milk bath

celtic knots




roughly slouching towards bethlehem

cinematic soft focus futuristic verdant pseudo natural space

cinematic soft focus futuristic verdant pseudo natural space

long line of people holding various pieces of junk. they are queuing in front of a table where a fat, grizzled man is inspecting and weighing their wares. two large guards stand to either side, ready to enforce the peace

electrochemical reactions in a terrarium

the magician’s outrageous plan for a quick marriage

each tree and leaf a reminder of their planetary past

the magician’s outrageous plan for a quick marriage

mathematics for plant-based life form

tribal tattoo

magnetic resonance imaging of the eye

magnetic resonance imaging of the eye

ancient spell that repels evil spirits

iguana donkey hybrid in a sprig of foliage poking out of a cylindrical glazed planter

Fweep - surprised to see the world is ending

Plantar IV - mathematics for plant-based life form

Doing - mathematics for plant-based life forms

fat warrior monk

Internal Organs - allowing for inspection of internal organs

Soupstream - spaceman slips through space time

Toothy Throat - straight down the toothy throat

Durp - tattooed monk

Drop Charged Bd - amazon princess drop charges

Space bebc - universes in droplets of colorful liquids

Organic Spheres - celestial spheres and the daughters of venus

Ace of Spades IV - ace of spades with skull

Xplosion - explosion

ruined fishnet dollars

ruined fishnet eyeballs

ruined fishnet pinup

tree on a hill in a thunderstorm

tree on a hill outside the city

tree on a hill of graves

tree on a hill without drinking water

tree on a hill at midnight

tree on a hill at sunset

tree on a hill at sunset

tree on a hill

road to the verdant jungle of the eyeball at sunset

road to the verdant jungle of the eyeball

road to the verdant jungle of the eyeball

road to the verdant jungle of the eyeball

road to the verdant jungle of the eyeball

road to the mirrored jungle sunset

road to the verdant jungle of the sunset

road to the verdant jungle of the sun god

road to the jungle of the sun god

dragon jungle of sunset blood

dragon jungle of sunset blood

dragon jungle of sunset blood

dragon jungle of sunset blood

dragon jungle of sunset blood

dragon jungle of blood

fighting pot heads

dragon jungle map

dragon jungle map

dragon jungle map

dragon jungle face map

dragon jungle face map

dragon jungle face

dragon jungle face

dragon jungle face

dragon jungle face

dragon face m

dragon face

alien growth service trees

alien growth service trees

alien growth service trees

alien growth service with smoke filled sky

alien growth service

alien growth service

green growth service

growth service

growth service

sheep head frog catfish

sheepshead croaker catfish

sheepshead catfish croaker

reads spout chest

reads spout chest

grandma loves granite

do not feed the birds

apocalypse tomorrow, maybe

crane pilot alloy allow

crane pilot alloy allow

reads acton taste sauté

reads loupe monte movie

reads loupe monte movie

reads loupe monte movie

stern water later hater cater

stern shout spelt smelt

stern shout spelt smelt

stern chows docks focus

my neighborhood is a jungle

charred treasure map

charred treasure map

treasure map

treasure map

lightning axolotls

lightning axolotls

lightning axolotls

archangel with sword

angel with flaming sword

angels with flaming swords

angels with swords

scales of angelic justice

beetles march to the sea

beetles march to the sea

flayed children

flayed children

flayed children

goblin game night

cranberry checkmate

hairy dresden

tentacles at sunset

octopus pistols

jungle inflorescence

verdant migraine

focus crocus

unable to generate art

deciduous tendrils

ukrainian refugee

spastic entrails

soporific surveillance

fungal pajamas

chemical pollutant

Cop a Squat - street muscle versus corporate security

vw van with a turreted machine gun

an island with upside down trees and a murder mystery

woman running on top of a lake, ripples spread from where here feet touched its surface

jar of alien pickles

pool surrounded by hydroponically grown ferns and vines, in the pool is a tentacled creature

excited woman inspecting a box of plague rats

weird man tampering with a box of voodoo dolls

cocaine bean

a face with black holes where eyes should be

thor absolutely destroying wall trying to hammer in a mail for a portrait

ektp gammit

web of api security

Too Much Mousse - woman doing a hand stand

crackalacka !!! lightning

deep discovery, super aggressive

hurricane force wnds

drone view of the riverfront

drunk rag smasher

time blindness

three witches cigarettes advertisement

light shines through leaves casting his face in shadow. he has work to do.

plans for an airship

steampunk airship with two spherical repulsive engines

steampunk airship with two spherical repulsive engines

the steamship viking

brevard eoc: we have deactivated our launch operations support team after a successful launch of the spacex falcon9 rocket.

samurai in territory that is morally if not physically dangerous


fruiting bodies

she is wary, does not speak their language

envelopment is the fetish

a stormy eccentric former first sea lord

midnight is when things start to make strange noises and fall apart

a black cloud hung over the fortifications. from horizon to horizon the canon smoke stretched in wavering bands, now capping the spires and domes with cloud, now blowing in streamers and shreds along the streets, now descending from the housetops, enveloping quays, bridges, and river in a sulphurous mist.

on every side stretched the moorland, covered with flowering gorse and heath and granite boulders. there was not a tree in sight, much less a house.

satiated by schadenfreude

the illustration is for the game guns & butter; a light euro strategy game with worker placement mechanics. this card shows a power plant.

the illustration is for the game guns & butter; a light euro strategy game with worker placement mechanics. this card shows a squatting robotic mortar the size of a large dog.

guns and butter

guns and butter

Ken Breaks Arm - beach barbie set


piper in green jacket skirls his kilt


fiona and cake

be like warriors come out to play



woodcut waves

a sea of foamy bubbles

a sea of foamy bubbles

long line of people holding various pieces of junk. they are queuing in front of a table where a fat, grizzled man is inspecting and weighing their wares. two large guards stand to either side, ready to enforce the peace

long line of people holding various pieces of junk. they are queuing in front of a table where a fat, grizzled man is inspecting and weighing their wares. two large guards stand to either side, ready to enforce the peace

long line of people holding various pieces of junk. they are queuing in front of a table where a fat, grizzled man is inspecting and weighing their wares. two large guards stand to either side, ready to enforce the peace

long line of people holding various pieces of junk. they are queuing in front of a table where a fat, grizzled man is inspecting and weighing their wares. two large guards stand to either side, ready to enforce the peace

serious storm

record of an ancient flood

headbanger baby dude

devilish slayer

the magician’s outrageous plan for a quick marriage uses the golden ratio

the magician’s outrageous plan for a quick marriage

the magician’s outrageous plan for a quick marriage

the magician’s outrageous plan for a quick marriage

plans to survive the apocalypse

plans for a tinkerer’s covered wagon that converts into an electric minivan

Geonosis I - surface alien planet

kangaroo gas mask

kangaroo gas mask

kangaroo gas mask

sword maiden with gun pup

cylindrical glazed planter

R0BH0M MkIII - technowizard’s robot homonculus

R0BH0M MkII - technowizard’s robot homonculus

R0BH0M - technowizard’s robot homonculus

Laviier - menu at the vampire late night diner

Plantar VII - stone with eyeballs and ancient glyphs of power nestled in foliage

Plantar VI - stone with eyeballs and ancient glyphs of power nestled in foliage

Plantar V - mathematics for plant-based life form

Plantar III - mathematics for plant-based life forms

Plantar II - mathematics for plant-based life forms

Plantar I - mathematics for plant-based life forms

Labial Claw Machine - allowing for inspection of internal organs

Introspeculum - allowing for inspection of internal organs

Infernal Organs - allowing for inspection of internal organs

Organ Inspection - allowing for inspection of internal organs

Prisonbreak - small woodland creature, imprisoned

Chrononaut - spaceman slips through space time

UCV - urban combat vehicles

Three Witches - three witches toast to the dark lord

pious squid - pious brother called for the destruction of the temple

pious bro - pious brother called for the destruction of the temple

Pious Brother - pious brother called for the destruction of the temple

Capital - twin samurai

Loss - twin samurai

Moralite Bros - not asleep yet

Viral - chemicals, pollutants, and pollination

Arrrr - don’t mess with this gal

Dental Dysmorphia - straight down the toothy throat

Dental Retardation - straight down the toothy throat

Toofy Froat - straight down the toothy throat

Kwai - bridge over the river

Detection - detection

Obligation B - obligation

Obligation - obligation

Choices - spheres with green plants

Spectral G - war crime mama

Dangerous D - dangerous lady

Dangerous C - dangerous lady

Dangerous A - dangerous lady

Dangerous - dangerous lady

Durp J - lusty lady

Durp I - lusty lady

Durp H - don’t mess with this gal

Durp G - don’t mess with this gal

Durp F - don’t mess with this gal

Durp E - don’t mess with this gal

Durp D - don’t mess with this guy

Durp C - don’t mess with this guy

Durp B - don’t mess with this guy

Durp A - tattooed monk

Gelatin - gelatin

Thinly Veiled A - thinly veiled reference

Thinly Veiled - thinly veiled reference

thinly veiled reference

thinly veiled reference

thinly veiled reference

Drop Charges Ga - amazon princess drop charges

Drop Charges Bf - amazon princess drop charges

Drop Charges Be - amazon princess drop charges

Drop Charges Bc - amazon princess drop charges

Drop Charges Bb - amazon princess drop charges

Drop Charges B - amazon princess drop charges

Drop Charge Ac - i couldn’t convince them to drop the charges

Drive Charge Ab - i couldn’t convince them to drop the charges

Drip Charge A - i couldn’t convince them to drop the charges

Lighthole b - view of the venusian valley

lighthole - overhead view of valley with sunrise and mist

Chemicals D - smooth spectral shadows hidden in the pollutants and chemicals

Chemicals c - pollutants and chemicals

Chemicals b - pollutants and chemicals

chemicals a - pollutants and chemicals

Space bebf - migration

space bebeb - babies in eggs floating in space

space bebe I - babies in eggs floating in space

Crab Optician ii - crab optician checks eyes

Crab Optician - crab optician checks eyes

Crab Tactician - crab tactician makes battle plans

Crab Politician - crab politician lies as a rule

Crab Electrician ii - crab electrician charges up

Crab Electrician - crab electrician charges up

Crab Math vii - crab mathematician makes calculation mistake

Crab Math vi - crab mathematician leaves huge tip

Crab Math v - crab mathematician opens portal

Crab Math iv - crab mathematician opens portal

Crab Math iv - crab mathematician with red shell

Crab Math iii - crab mathematician with red

Crab Math ii - crab mathematician

Crab Math i - crab mathematician

Organic Food - dinner is served

Organic Devices - medical devices attach to the liver

Organic Spheres ii - organic spheres connected by tubes of water

Celestial Spheres - celestial spheres and the dark mother of mud

Switch+ iv - microbial growth with added blues and greens

Switch+ ii - microbial growth with added blues and greens

Switch vii - music of the spheres with added purple and green

Switch vii - music of the spheres with added blue and purple and green

Switch v - colorful green moss floats in spheres of water

Switch iv - spheres to measure the stars with added purples and blues

Switch iii - spheres to measure the stars with added purples and blues

Switch ii - device from atlantis with shades of the sea

Vive ii - diagram of a wave making machine with added colorful highlights

SWABS - diagram of a swabs making machine with added blue highlights

Magician VI - police magician

Magician V - magician

Magician IV - magician

Magician IiI - magician

Magician II - street magician

Magician - magician

Window II - window to the soul

Window - window to the world

Tower XII - tower of suspicious monks

Tower XI - tower of lotuses

Tower IX - beer can with tower

Tower VI - aztec tower in the jungle

Tower V - aztec tower

Tower IV - tower

Tower III - tower

Tower II - tower

Tower - tower with flying pennant

Coin IV - ancient coin with statesman

Coin III - ancient coin with warrior

Coin II - ancient coin with warrior

Coin - ancient coin with warrior

Draft Iris - woman with eye closed

Ace of Spades VIII - ace of spades with woman’s skull

Ace of Spades VII - ace of spades with alien skull

Ace of Spades VI - ace of spades with skull

Ace of Spades V - ace of spades with skull

Ace of Spades I - ace of spades with skull

alien pickled

Launch - nuclear explosion

Flat Earth P!rates - flat earth pirates

FlatEarth Pirates - flat earth pirates

Flat Earth Pirate - flat earth pirates

Flat Earth Pirates - flat earth pirates

Mad Dog | Englishman - old man in the sun

Empowerment - old man in the sun

We Need Drugs, Now! - old man in the sun

Red Shirt Survived - old man in the sun

Sunhead - giant god face statue

Sunlover - giant god face statue

Sunburnt - the sun burnt a hole in my brother’s head

Foo Dog VII - foo dog

Foo Dog VI - foo dog

Foo Dog V - foo dog

Foo Dog IV - foo dog

Foo Dog III - foo dog

Foo Dog II - foo dog

Foo Fog - foo dog

Joint Custody - joint custody

Crouching Tiger - crouching tiger

Asthmatic Virgin - asthmatic virgin

Pulpit of the Spope - pulpit of the space pope

Space Pope Admin - pulpit of the space pope

Space Pope - pulpit of the space pope

Parc VI - fountain in a park on another planet with a moon in the sky

Flood - rain clouds over the homestead

Parc V - ancient temples in a futuristic city

Parc IV - ancient temples in a futuristic city

Parc III - ruined temples in a futuristic city

Parc II - park in a futuristic city

Parc - futuristic city

random energy drink spilling drops

My Son is a Genius - my son is a genius

ninja with blades

Displaced - displaced wildlife

Displaced Wildlife - displaced wildlife

leaves, berries, and pages

a forest grew off the page

bearded man fights the storm surge

Drakul Over/Under - advanced firearm

Kavax 55mm - this is my rifle

this is my rifle

Bleeder - sniper rifle blueprints

Do What? - exasperated with robotic servants

bedbugs - fighting the flea robots

Goldilocks - sleeping in mystery

Up All Night - staying up all night

Oneiric B&B - bedroom with ornate windows

Cody - castle bedroom with grand windows

View of the Castle - castle bedroom with grand windows

Helmet - helmet

Hive Queen - swarming with bees

aOk Queen - aztec chess pawns on the front line

spykraft - insect transmitter giant glowing

Walks with Wind - portrait face

Sky Farsh - giant fish with a rocket engine

ch’torr - elder insect with tiny tentacles

Faerie Ant - happy ant

ant - black ant

secure - the security guard shone his flashlight

Xarbon at Night - moon over village in the clouds

moon over mediterranean villas

moon over villas

Cloud Corps - target acquired

Kel D’Oran - servant of the storm lord

storm chaser

Sensible Princess - tower on fire

princess in tower

dancer in colorful feathers

Fugitive - fleeing the scene of the crime

Run, Run, Run - running man

Exciting Business - exciting business

Loving Business - loving business

Loving Business - loving business

Rictus - rictus

The Rider - rictus

Escape - devils chasing runaway robot

Industrial Accident - oops industrial accident

Warning ! Wyverns - warning sign

Me Tfn Oops! - men chasing forklift out of control

Asparagine - molecule of asperagine

Unlikely Hero - unlikely hero

Stunned - dude shocked by revelations

Cosmic Citizen - cosmic citizen

Filial Effect - my son is not related to me

Lex - villain

Selene - the moon has a woman’s face

Star Light - stars glitter in night sky, reflected in a broad lake

Star Bright - stars glitter in night sky, reflected in a broad lake

Dracula’s Castle - villain’s castle

Lastly - castle where dracula lives

Castle Panic - castle panic

Just Visiting - giant eye in the sky

70-30 - giant eye in the sky

Lamplighter - giant eye in the sky

Entry - giant eye in the sky

Witch Fingers - hand of glory

cyberpunk bank robbery

all these goats are retarded

Chainsaw - chainsaw

Iron On? - balding air traffic controller wonders if he left the iron on

abandoned baby doll

when the queen died, someone had to tell the bees

a slight limp, a missing finger and a body peppered with bullet fragments

through the darkness, bullets suddenly whizzed past

sausages with wicked grins

spasm of the entrails

who says no to a snack?

who says no to a snack?

there are the underwear of the orcs.

there are the underwear of the orcs.

prisma cloud web application and api security

hacker inside the perimeter

entertainment center with tv and fireplace, stylish

man stares vacantly at television tuned to a dead chann

ringed planet in cup of coffee




Hello, Mars - five-ton truck that can fire long-range guided rockets.

Jongleur - zelensky juggling putin’s flesh-colored balls

zelensky expressed optimism that more of ukraine’s lost territory can be reclaimed

queen elizabeth ii’s coffin takes long road through scotland

hell creature with dagger in mouth and two swords

hell creature with dagger in mouth and two swords

samurai sword from ikea

samurai sword from ikea

Get It OIT - get out


brightly colored aztec woolen handbag with golden rabbit badge

brightly colored aztec woolen handbag with golden rabbit symbol

not a single one of them is looking at a single one of the ghosts

harvest moon lights up skies and marks start of festivals worldwide

a time-traveling daughter just wants some time with her dad

chinese drones: the latest irritant buzzing taiwan’s defenses

prince charles haunted by ghost of queen mum

ukrainian offensive seen as reshaping the war’s contours

ukrainian offensive seen as reshaping the war’s contours

menacing creature attacks couple in bed

hungry woman with bat wings squats atop man who has seen better days

knight riding a mammoth into battle

knight riding a mammoth into battle

don’t let gary the rubber chicken fly the plane

don’t let gary the rubber chicken fly the plane

giant rocky road ice cream colonized by tiny monkeys

in a forest at twilight, a hut with a smoking chimney perched on giant chicken legs

in a forest at twilight, a hut with a smoking chimney perched on giant chicken legs

ancient tattered pirate map of forest leads to certain death

a river snakes back through primeval forest, winding snake-like to reach a full moon

three boats moving through a storm-tossed sea with a large wave forming a spiral in the centre and mount fuji

the treasure shone with a nimbus with magical energy in the roots of an ancient tree

a woman dies violently at the hand of a friend in a forest

a woman dies violently at the hand of a friend in a forest

a woman dies at the hand of a friend in a forest

woman stares wistfully at pilot and plane in distance

close up of squinting squid eye reflecting danger

stylized rising sun illuminates wizards planting rice in the paddy

stylized rising sun illuminates wizards planting rice in the paddy

stylized rising sun illuminates wizards planting rice in the paddy

stylized rising sun illuminates wizards planting rice in the paddy

octopus with chopsticks and noodles

part tools and fluids

virgin ground pierced by spud

water contaminated with hazardous toxins from camp lejeune

architect of the apocalypse

chief violence technician

dreams of the apocalypse

dreams of the apocalypse

hair on fire

schizophrenic dude with hair on fire

man in black shoots his gun

justified shooting

disco is not dead

disco is not dead

the city has grown taller than the sea

explosive questions

super powered children enjoy jazz

doctors not just interested in treating cancer

aztec cat destroying temple birthday cake

cat destroys birthday cake

To Be or Not To Be - to be or not to be

charlie don’t surf

charlie don’t surf

london’s burning

london’s burning

london’s burning

london’s burning

police and thieves in the street

i’m sorry miss jackson

i’m sorry miss jackson

me hiding from soldiers in the shadow of a giant mech

my mustached dad pretends to be a robot

scantily clad barbarian queen beheads serpent

crude, flexible, and variably indiscriminate nurses

a dirigible floats over an overgrown jungle city

a dirigible floats over an overgrown jungle city

a dirigible floats over an overgrown jungle city

a sea of tents

heavyset man pushing stroller through an aquarium

heavyset man pushing stroller through an aquarium

pendulum with severed hand in the spotlight

hand of glory with eyeballs on each finger

ghost face killer

samurai regrets ordering sushi

jesus forgot his wallet

jesus forgot his wallet

coat hangar kamikaze