,gibli style background,a mansion in a dense forest,mountain background,with ambient lighting,

This art is titled ,gibli style background,a mansion in a dense forest,mountain background,with ambient lighting, and it was created by the user lotuspixie that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named ,gibli style background,a mansion in a dense forest,mountain background,with ambient lighting, at Wed Nov 30 2022
And the art ,gibli style background,a mansion in a dense forest,mountain background,with ambient lighting, has this preview:
,gibli style background,a mansion in a dense forest,mountain background,with ambient lighting, preview

The image features a beautifully illustrated background in the style of Studio Ghibli, portraying a lush and dense forest. In the center stands an extravagant mansion, surrounded by towering trees and an awe-inspiring mountain range in the distance. The scene is bathed in soft, ambient lighting, casting a magical and mysterious atmosphere over the entire setting.

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Upload date Wed Nov 30 2022, art ,gibli style background,a mansion in a dense forest,mountain background,with ambient lighting,, by user , also known by the user name lotuspixie