This are some songs that talk about Drones, and remote controlled vehicles. This first song comes from Patricia Mendez, that lives in Spain, she is a street performer her style is rock and this are the lyrics:

Title: Age of the Drone
By: Patricia Mendez
Verse 1
What kind of dark take me away from everything
What kind of poison bring me to my knees
My silent drone trains over hungry children
The winter would for a drone
The sky is not my concern
Like a human drone
I am the drone in the sky
I am the woman in the moon
I am the Northern star
Back in the age of the drone
Verse 2
Somewhere between the icy wind and the icy rock
Somewhere between the howl and the howl, but distant
Somewhere between the mourn and the drone
Somewhere between the shape and the soul
Well I found a little place in America
I got myself a steady job
I am the drone in the sky
I am the woman in the moon
I am the Northern star
Back in the age of the drone
We been living in the drone
And everybody hope the whole squad come
I am the drone in the sky
I am the woman in the moon
I am the Northern star
Back in the age of the drone
The second song comes from Malta, played by Fernando Halo, and the song name is...

Title: My remote Helicopter
By: Fernando Halo
Verse 1
The giver of the helicopter
Our weapons are now one
The mate to my glory
Awaken the sleeping terror, remove the helicopter from your hand
A helicopter born from the sun and its bone
What can be said or feel or see
With the helicopter that bears all faith it knows
Give me one more day to love, give me one more day
To open hearts, to calm the crowds
The future is close, each helicopter a bullet filled
Verse 2
I call on my God to fight
With every helicopter of steel
And it is of my own choosing
I call on you to stand up
The knives still hold the razor in its hand
The helicopter walks with me
With the helicopter that bears all faith it knows
Give me one more day to love, give me one more day
To open hearts, to calm the crowds
The future is close, each helicopter a bullet filled
Stones ready for the helicopter
Ready to bite the hand that is fed
With the helicopter that bears all faith it knows
Give me one more day to love, give me one more day
To open hearts, to calm the crowds
The future is close, each helicopter a bullet filled
If any one found more musics related to remote control flying machines please share with us!