Instagram filters from user ernestine756 aka

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Night 9 - landscape
swans preview
Night 9 - landscape sunset fireflies trees blue swans
sunrise 4 - beach
sunrise at the seaside
sun over the ocean
seagulls everywhere
foam preview
sunrise 4 - beach sunrise at the seaside sun over the ocean seagulls everywhere boats waves foam
sunrise 1 - sunrise at the seaside
sun over the ocean
seagulls everywhere
foam preview
sunrise 1 - sunrise at the seaside sun over the ocean seagulls everywhere boats waves foam
men on the beach - sunrise at the seaside
sun over the ocean
seagulls everywhere
beach preview
men on the beach - sunrise at the seaside sun over the ocean seagulls everywhere boats waves foam umbrellas people beach
flowers - flowers preview
flowers - flowers
Mermaid - mermaid
bubbles sand
starfish preview
Mermaid - mermaid beach waves bubbles sand starfish
sunset 2 - sunset
waves preview
sunset 2 - sunset evening clouds boats seaulls sea waves
colour beach - sunrise at the seaside
sun over the ocean
seagulls everywhere
beach preview
colour beach - sunrise at the seaside sun over the ocean seagulls everywhere boats waves foam umbrellas people beach
sunrise5 - sunrise at the seaside
sun over the ocean
seagulls everywhere
foam preview
sunrise5 - sunrise at the seaside sun over the ocean seagulls everywhere boats waves foam
Sunrise 2 - sunrise at the seaside
sun over the ocean
seagulls everywhere
foam preview
Sunrise 2 - sunrise at the seaside sun over the ocean seagulls everywhere boats waves foam
Oranges=Watercolor2v - oranges fresh bright orange and orange slices in drinks preview
Oranges=Watercolor2v - oranges fresh bright orange and orange slices in drinks
mermaid 90 - underwater
bubbles preview
mermaid 90 - underwater bubbles
fairyflowers - flowers from fairies like dreams in very soft colours with sparkling dekoration pearls and jewels fairy feathers preview
fairyflowers - flowers from fairies like dreams in very soft colours with sparkling dekoration pearls and jewels fairy feathers
Luck /steampunk - luck
four leaves clover
loads ofladybirds spread all over preview
Luck /steampunk - luck four leaves clover loads ofladybirds spread all over
sunrise3 - beach
sunrise at the seaside
sun over the ocean
seagulls everywhere
foam preview
sunrise3 - beach sunrise at the seaside sun over the ocean seagulls everywhere boats waves foam
beachlife - holidays at the italien cost
beach lifestyle
white clouds blue sky
sunshine preview
beachlife - holidays at the italien cost beach beachlife. waves boats beach lifestyle white clouds blue sky sunshine
Lemons=Watercolours - lemons fresh bright yellow and lemon slices in drinks preview
Lemons=Watercolours - lemons fresh bright yellow and lemon slices in drinks
PoppyCornflower - sunshine over 
poppy and cornflower  field 
very detailed realistic preview
PoppyCornflower - sunshine over poppy and cornflower field very detailed realistic
Poppy - sunshine over 
poppy flower field 
very detailed realistic preview
Poppy - sunshine over poppy flower field very detailed realistic
at the coast
baltic sea
nice clouds
seagulls preview
sunset at the coast baltic sea tallships sailingships woodenboats waves nice clouds seagulls
long winding lane
fields of flowers
poppy preview
summer landscape trees long winding lane alley summerflowers fields of flowers poppy
on the beach - sunrise at the seaside
sun over the ocean
seagulls everywhere
beach preview
on the beach - sunrise at the seaside sun over the ocean seagulls everywhere boats waves foam umbrellas people beach
Lion Z Flora v2 - lion tiffany style stained glas highly detailed preview
Lion Z Flora v2 - lion tiffany style stained glas highly detailed
Lady Red(Flora v2) - lady in red preview
Lady Red(Flora v2) - lady in red
At theBeach(Waterc2) - beach
chairs and umbrellas
little waves
white clouds 
wooden boats
happy people preview
At theBeach(Waterc2) - beach beachlife chairs and umbrellas little waves white clouds wooden boats sunshine seagulls happy people
flowers (Flora v2) - flowers preview
flowers (Flora v2) - flowers
Poppy Waterc. V2 - red flowers
sunshine preview
Poppy Waterc. V2 - red flowers poppy roses daisies lilies sunshine
reflection - boat on water with reflection preview
reflection - boat on water with reflection
mermaid 2 - mermaid
long hair preview
mermaid 2 - mermaid underwater fish starfish jellyfish long hair
Hogwarts - castle of hogwarts preview
Hogwarts - castle of hogwarts
Gentleman  (Flora) - a nice gentleman 
with a hat preview
Gentleman (Flora) - a nice gentleman with a hat
Luck /Watercolour - luck
four leaves clover
ladybirds all over preview
Luck /Watercolour - luck four leaves clover ladybirds all over
loads of stones and rocks
waterfall preview
loads of stones and rocks waterfall
Sunset Z - very colourful
sunset preview
Sunset Z - very colourful sunset
Drachenkind - a cute little green dragon with 4 legs preview
Drachenkind - a cute little green dragon with 4 legs
a lot of raven preview
a lot of raven
cupcakes icing - cupcakes with fresh fruit and icing preview
cupcakes icing - cupcakes with fresh fruit and icing
inside howarts
wooden walls
loads of portraits  crossing stairs out of wood
wood everywhere
loads of candles floating in the air preview
inside howarts wooden walls loads of portraits crossing stairs out of wood wood everywhere loads of candles floating in the air
tall ships
lighthouse preview
sunset tall ships clouds boats waves foam lighthouse
Cornflower Lady - lady with blue cornflowers
only blue shades
highly detailed realistic

(flora) preview
Cornflower Lady - lady with blue cornflowers only blue shades highly detailed realistic (flora)
Lady w.hat (FLORA) - lovely lady with hat preview
Lady w.hat (FLORA) - lovely lady with hat
flowers (mystical) - a meadow with thousands of flowers
sunset mood preview
flowers (mystical) - a meadow with thousands of flowers sunset mood
fairy children FLORA - flowers
sunshine preview
fairy children FLORA - flowers fairy sunshine
two children on a wide beach preview
two children on a wide beach
Pumkin postcard - frame around a postcard with pumkins and ornaments preview
Pumkin postcard - frame around a postcard with pumkins and ornaments
soft icecream - soft pastell colours like vanilla, softcaramel, pistachio, softchocolate, blushpink
happy flying icecream cones different flavours with a lot of decorations and fresh fruit  melting in the sunshine highly detailed realistic
(dreamland v2) preview
soft icecream - soft pastell colours like vanilla, softcaramel, pistachio, softchocolate, blushpink happy flying icecream cones different flavours with a lot of decorations and fresh fruit melting in the sunshine highly detailed realistic (dreamland v2)
castle "spectral" - an old castle lost with an old vintage door
highly detailed realistic
(spectral) preview
castle "spectral" - an old castle lost with an old vintage door highly detailed realistic (spectral)
Lady Flora 2 - lady in red surrounded with red roses preview
Lady Flora 2 - lady in red surrounded with red roses
millefleur Wate - very delicate little flowers in soft  blush colors preview
millefleur Wate - very delicate little flowers in soft blush colors
Berries realistic - blackberries over and over highly detailed realistic preview
Berries realistic - blackberries over and over highly detailed realistic
Lion cup - a cute little brown baby lion
with 4 legs preview
Lion cup - a cute little brown baby lion with 4 legs
fishpond realistic - underwater of the surface of a pond with seashells on the ground
highly detailed realistic preview
fishpond realistic - underwater of the surface of a pond with seashells on the ground highly detailed realistic
forget me not - lovely heart out of many  blue little forget me not flowers
highly detailed realistic preview
forget me not - lovely heart out of many blue little forget me not flowers highly detailed realistic
Tall SHIP realistic - loads of waves baltic sea a tall ship sunshine 
highly detailed realistic preview
Tall SHIP realistic - loads of waves baltic sea a tall ship sunshine highly detailed realistic
waterfall (reality) - loads of stones and rocks
waterfall preview
waterfall (reality) - loads of stones and rocks waterfall
LemonLady - lady with yellow lemons
only yellow shades
highly detailed realistic

(flora) preview
LemonLady - lady with yellow lemons only yellow shades highly detailed realistic (flora)
Hijo de la LunaFlora - the son of the moon
highly detailed realistic preview
Hijo de la LunaFlora - the son of the moon highly detailed realistic
Pond 2 realistic - underwater of the surface of a pond 
seashells on the ground
highly detailed realistic preview
Pond 2 realistic - underwater of the surface of a pond seashells on the ground highly detailed realistic
Hedwig - hedwig the magical owl of harry potter in a golden amour with jewllery and the beak and claws with diamonds
highly detailed realistic preview
Hedwig - hedwig the magical owl of harry potter in a golden amour with jewllery and the beak and claws with diamonds highly detailed realistic
coffee table - koffeetime
lovely table with table cloth and a lot of cups with latte macciato and muffins and cupcakes with icing and coffee beans spread all over
highly detailed realistic preview
coffee table - koffeetime lovely table with table cloth and a lot of cups with latte macciato and muffins and cupcakes with icing and coffee beans spread all over highly detailed realistic
IndianElephant Flora - indian elephant decorated very colourful 

little river preview
IndianElephant Flora - indian elephant decorated very colourful little river
Sunflowers 3real 2v - sunshine over 
sunflowers fields and red poppies and cornflowers  all around with little delicate flowers decorated
very detailed realistic preview
Sunflowers 3real 2v - sunshine over sunflowers fields and red poppies and cornflowers all around with little delicate flowers decorated very detailed realistic
flowers Flora v2 - flowers preview
flowers Flora v2 - flowers
tall ships
lighthouse preview
sunset tall ships clouds boats waves foam lighthouse
Tallships - sunset
tall ships
lighthouse preview
Tallships - sunset tall ships clouds boats waves foam lighthouse
lamp 3 - old fashioned lamp
yellow light
smooth atmosphere preview
lamp 3 - old fashioned lamp yellow light smooth atmosphere
Coffee beans - close up 
 loads of coffee beans

 only sepia cream brown darkbrown
highly detailed realistic preview
Coffee beans - close up loads of coffee beans only sepia cream brown darkbrown highly detailed realistic
green and heavy rain preview
green and heavy rain
offering a lovely bouquet of summer flowers yellow sunflowers red poppy blue cornflower red roses light blue forget me not
highly detailed realistic preview
offering a lovely bouquet of summer flowers yellow sunflowers red poppy blue cornflower red roses light blue forget me not highly detailed realistic
Earth 5 Flora v2 - the earth in the shape of a huge heart
all sourrounded by loads of fowers
highly detailed realistic preview
Earth 5 Flora v2 - the earth in the shape of a huge heart all sourrounded by loads of fowers highly detailed realistic
coffeetable - soft colours
lovely table with 
 a table cloth and a lot of cups with latte macciato and muffins and cupcakes with icing and coffee beans spread all over
highly detailed realistic preview
coffeetable - soft colours koffeetime lovely table with a table cloth and a lot of cups with latte macciato and muffins and cupcakes with icing and coffee beans spread all over highly detailed realistic
Herzen Flora - pastel colours
lovely hearts out of little flowers
highly detailed realistic preview
Herzen Flora - pastel colours lovely hearts out of little flowers highly detailed realistic
lost castle - a huge old castle lost place style and shabby and torn fallen apart
highly detailed realistic
(spectral) preview
lost castle - a huge old castle lost place style and shabby and torn fallen apart highly detailed realistic (spectral)
Sailing waterc. v2 - sailing on the ocean sunshine on the waves and dolphins playing aroud the tallship surrounded by seagulls
highly detailed
realistic preview
Sailing waterc. v2 - sailing on the ocean sunshine on the waves and dolphins playing aroud the tallship surrounded by seagulls highly detailed realistic
nice field of lovely pumkins preview
nice field of lovely pumkins
Porch Steampunk - vintage porch
garden with furniture in the night
warm summernight
night scene
warm summernight
loads of plants
summernight feelings preview
Porch Steampunk - vintage porch garden with furniture in the night fireflies warm summernight night scene warm summernight loads of plants vintage cozy summernight feelings
our world Flora v2 - the earth in the shape of a huge heart
all sourrounded by loads of fowers
highly detailed realistic preview
our world Flora v2 - the earth in the shape of a huge heart all sourrounded by loads of fowers highly detailed realistic
the earth in the shape of a huge heart
all sourrounded by loads of fowers
highly detailed realistic preview
the earth in the shape of a huge heart all sourrounded by loads of fowers highly detailed realistic
Snowowl - hedwig the magical white owl of harry potter with fluffy snow white feathers in a golden amour with jewellery in a summer scene and the beak and enormous claws with diamonds
highly detailed realistic
(figure3) preview
Snowowl - hedwig the magical white owl of harry potter with fluffy snow white feathers in a golden amour with jewellery in a summer scene and the beak and enormous claws with diamonds highly detailed realistic (figure3)
Hedwig - magical white  snow owl hedwig with fluffy feathers of harry potter in a golden amour with jewllery and the beak and claws with diamonds with butterflies all around
highly detailed realistic preview
Hedwig - magical white snow owl hedwig with fluffy feathers of harry potter in a golden amour with jewllery and the beak and claws with diamonds with butterflies all around highly detailed realistic
magical owl in a golden amour with jewllery and the beak and claws with diamonds
highly detailed realistic preview
magical owl in a golden amour with jewllery and the beak and claws with diamonds highly detailed realistic
very colourful indian summer in the woods
many toadstools 
highly detailed realistic preview
very colourful indian summer in the woods many toadstools highly detailed realistic
black lovely cat sitting in a flowerbed
highly detailed realistic preview
black lovely cat sitting in a flowerbed highly detailed realistic
bright sunshine over a 
flower field with millions of little delicate flowers like columbine in very soft colours
highly detailed realistic
pastel colours like blush and softyellow and offwhite preview
bright sunshine over a flower field with millions of little delicate flowers like columbine in very soft colours highly detailed realistic pastel colours like blush and softyellow and offwhite
spiral staircase starting from a flower field and ending in white clouds preview
spiral staircase starting from a flower field and ending in white clouds
Sunflowers realistic - sunshine over 
sunflowers and poppies cornflowers  fields with little delicate flowers around
very detailed realistic preview
Sunflowers realistic - sunshine over sunflowers and poppies cornflowers fields with little delicate flowers around very detailed realistic
Beach time 1 - beach
beachlife preview
Beach time 1 - beach people waves ocean seagulls boats beachlife
Veggie - vegetables
carrots onions courettes garden leek pumkins garden radish nicely arranged
highly detailed realistic preview
Veggie - vegetables carrots onions courettes garden leek pumkins garden radish nicely arranged highly detailed realistic
vegetables - vegetables
carrots onions courettes garden leek pumkins garden radish nicely arranged
highly detailed realistic preview
vegetables - vegetables carrots onions courettes garden leek pumkins garden radish nicely arranged highly detailed realistic
british traditionel red telephone kiosk
highly detailed realistic preview
british traditionel red telephone kiosk highly detailed realistic
the world Flora v2 - the earth in the shape of a huge heart
highly detailed realistic preview
the world Flora v2 - the earth in the shape of a huge heart highly detailed realistic
Icecream - icecream different flavours with a lot of decorations melting in the sunshine highly detailed realistic
(dreamland v2) preview
Icecream - icecream different flavours with a lot of decorations melting in the sunshine highly detailed realistic (dreamland v2)
flowerfield - bright sunshine over a 
flower field with millions of little delicate flowers like columbine in very soft colours
highly detailed realistic
pastel colours like blush and softyellow and offwhite preview
flowerfield - bright sunshine over a flower field with millions of little delicate flowers like columbine in very soft colours highly detailed realistic pastel colours like blush and softyellow and offwhite
Pumkin 1 (Flora v2) - nice field of lovely pumkins preview
Pumkin 1 (Flora v2) - nice field of lovely pumkins
chair - old chairs in a british style
highly detailed realistic preview
chair - old chairs in a british style highly detailed realistic
3hearts - lovely hearts out of little flowers
highly detailed realistic preview
3hearts - lovely hearts out of little flowers highly detailed realistic