LemonLady - lady with yellow lemons only yellow shades highly detailed realistic (flora)

This art is titled LemonLady - lady with yellow lemons only yellow shades highly detailed realistic (flora) and it was created by the user ernestine756 that is also known by

This content creator uploaded the art named LemonLady - lady with yellow lemons only yellow shades highly detailed realistic (flora) at Tue Aug 29 2023
And the art LemonLady - lady with yellow lemons only yellow shades highly detailed realistic (flora) has this preview:
LemonLady - lady with yellow lemons
only yellow shades
highly detailed realistic

(flora) preview

The image showcases a LemonLady, a woman adorned with yellow lemons. The entire image is dominated by various shades of yellow, creating a vibrant and cheerful atmosphere. The level of detail is highly realistic, highlighting the intricate texture and contours of both the figure and the lemons, immersing the viewer into the scene.

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Upload date Tue Aug 29 2023, art LemonLady - lady with yellow lemons only yellow shades highly detailed realistic (flora), by user , also known by the user name ernestine756