A search and a rescue drone is an unnamed aerial vehicle (UAV) which is used by police, volunteer rescue teams or firefighters for searching missing person or victim over a vast area. So drones for search and rescue missions are unnamed aircrafts, which helps regulatory authorities in reaching the victims or missing persons in fast paced manner.
Applications of UAVs:
Following are the applications of the UAVs:
Reaching victims or missing persons in dire and alarming situations.
Examination and inspection of the accident or the crime scene.
Recovery Missions of humans or animals.
Disaster and Emergency Responsive Measures
Reaching Victims or Missing Persons
UAVs are used by the volunteer teams, Police or any other authority for reaching victims or missing persons who are awaiting the help. UAVs can help greatly in finding missing persons and crime victims on an immediate basis.
2. Examination and Inspection of the Accident or Crime Scene
Drones offer the finest method to record the accident aftermath or crime scene immediately after the accident. Authorities can capture the images and record videos of the place before any culprit hides or washes any signs that would lead to the criminal.
3. UAV Usage During Occurrence of Natural Disasters and Emergency Situations
UAV aircrafts can also give real-time information to the authorities in the aftermath of the flood and the hurricanes. UAV provides authorities ample of opportunities for ensuring safety of the public before or after natural disasters.
4. Responsive Measures:
UAV aircrafts help the authorities in measuring necessary response for the damage caused by the natural disasters. Thus, real-time imagery and videos can help authorities in reaching a better decision, saving a big amount of time.
UAV offers authorities capturing of the images and videos during night and day time.
UAV and Infrared (IR)
UAV camera can actually detect humans by using infrared thermal imaging camera, which has the capability to detect human through the heat of the human body. This capability of the UAV actually increases the capability of the authorities to find victims or missing persons or criminals over vast area in a shorter period of time.
UAV has proved as the most effective device in the operations that utilized UAVs for finding missing persons and victims. In the near future, UAVs will aid the authorities in numerous other ways as the technology evolves and improves. Search and rescue missions will have 100% successful rates then.